Code Notes 2023.1.2 Help

Meet Educational Products

With Educational Products, you can learn and teach programming languages in the form of coding tasks and custom verification tests right inside of JetBrains IntelliJ Platform based IDEs.

Educational Products are free to use and support Java, Kotlin, Python, Scala, JavaScript, Rust, C++, Go, and PHP with more languages to come.

Choose your programming language

This tutorial will walk you through creating a simple JavaKotlin PythonScalaJavaScript RustC++GoPHP course with a set of programming tasks and integrated tests. You can switch to a different programming language using the Section drop-down menu at the right top of the page:

Download Java

You can work with Java courses in IntelliJ IDEA with the EduTools plugin installed.

Download IntelliJ IDEA Edu, or if you have already installed IntelliJ IDEA Community or Ultimate.


You can work with Kotlin courses in IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio with the EduTools plugin installed.

Download IntelliJ IDEA Edu with EduTools and Kotlin plugins, or if you have already installed IntelliJ IDEA Community or Ultimate.


You can work with Python courses in PyCharm with the EduTools plugin installed.

Download PyCharm Edu, or if you have already installed PyCharm Community or Professional.


You can work with Scala courses in IntelliJ IDEA with the EduTools plugin installed.

Download IntelliJ IDEA Edu, or if you have already installed IntelliJ IDEA Community or Ultimate.


You can work with JavaScripts course in WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and PyCharm Professional with the EduTools plugin installed.

Download WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate or PyCharm Professional bundled with evaluation license key for a free 30-day trial, and Install EduTools plugin.

If you are a student or academic staff member, apply to our Educational Licenses Program to get access to all JetBrains desktop products, including WebStorm.


You can work with Rust courses in CLion with the EduTools and Rust plugins installed.

Download CLion bundled with evaluation license key for a free 30-day trial, and .

Alternatively, you can download IntelliJ IDEA Edu.

To learn how to install the Rust plugin, see this guide.


You can work with C++ courses in CLion with the EduTools plugin installed.

Download CLion bundled with evaluation license key for a free 30-day trial, and .

If you are a student or academic staff member, apply to our Educational Licenses Program to get access to all JetBrains desktop products, including CLion.


You can work with Go courses in GoLand and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate with the EduTools plugin installed.

Download GoLand or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate bundled with evaluation license key for a free 30-day trial, and .

If you are a student or academic staff member, apply to our Educational Licenses Program to get access to all JetBrains desktop products, including GoLand.


You can work with PHP courses in PhpStorm and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate with the EduTools plugin installed.

Download PhpStorm or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate bundled with evaluation license key for a free 30-day trial, and Install EduTools plugin.

If you are a student or academic staff member, apply to our Educational Licenses Program to get access to all JetBrains desktop products, including PhpStorm.

For Learners

Encouraging environment with a focus on ‘learning by doing’

Join a public programming course available out of the box, or enroll in a custom course prepared by your teacher or co-worker. Enjoy an interactive way of learning, with a focus on programming code tasks. Stay motivated with instant feedback and quick results!

Learn more

For Educators

Professional tool for sharing knowledge and building stronger teams and communities

Impart your knowledge in the form of code exercises, with the assistance of integrated tests and hints. Share your courses publicly or privately with your students or co-workers. Be confident that learners are doing everything right while staying in context!

Last modified: 24 April 2024