Code Notes 2023.1.2 Help


The most advanced Code Notes tool for Jetbrains IDEs allows adding code notes/bookmarks without altering the code, supports attachments management, supports SQLite local storage or saves to Evernote, and supports viewing Evernote notes and images.

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Features 💯

  • ✅ Works like the Mac Notes app

  • ✅ Auto save code and notes

  • ✅ SearchEveryWhere for notes

  • ✅ Supports Evernote sync

  • ✅ Editor with the syntax highlighting up to 300 file types

  • ✅ Attachments management

For more info about the Evernote support, click Sync with Evernote.

In editor notes creation(Alt+M) or from the editor gutter's context menu, create or edit notes, or start by select some code and then using the Alt + Enter intention and the note will display in place.

Better than bookmarks: smart display linked source file path and supports key navigation - using up/down key to change, press Enter key or double click to open the linked file, press Esc key Go to main editor (from tool window).

Quick notes create in the Notes/Evernote window. Supports for all language files as the Jetbrains IDE supports, full Markdown | AsciiDoc | IDEA Mind Map | PlantUML integration capabilities, provides powerful organization and search features, add and edit code notes and link to source file without altering the source file.

Helps you build your personal coding knowledge-base, and makes sure it is always at the ready for use. It is aiming to be a single tool for saving your day-to-day working notes, snippets of code, and just a good helper when you are working on some complex projects.

Save, edit, find and reuse code snippets and notes straight from your IDE

Right click in editor to add a code Notes or using editor intentions by first select some codes, or just right click in the editor gutter, after that, you can see favorite icons in the editor gutter, there you can edit the title or delete it.

A Notes tool window will be created in the bottom of your IDE, there you can manually add remove virtual folder, create and edit any type of programming language code fragments.

Notes is still in active development, so it'll be pleasure if you have issues or suggestions.

Main Features

  • Save on the fly when you're typing in the editor or change the title

  • Attachments management plus image thumbnail view

  • Support read-only Java class file and library source code notes mark

  • Virtual code tree navigation and Full Size window mode code scratches editing

  • Support same code fragments across multiple running IDEs at the same machine(such as WebStorm, Android Studio and IDEA)

  • Speed search : Find just the right code when you need it

  • Editor with the syntax highlighting up to 300 file types

  • via a plugin Support code highlighting and smart editing as many programming languages as the IDE supports plus third-party extensions such as: IDEA Mind Map, PlantUML integration, Scala and Rust

  • Markdown with preview mode(with Intellij Markdown plugin installed and run with JetBrains Runtime)

  • Easily backup since only one SQLite db file is created

  • Favorite code notes from editor


Built by developer, for developers. Supports all major programming languages, plus a syntax highlighting for 300 programming languages powered by the TextMate bundles in JetBrains IDE in total including all IDE editor features:

  • Reader mode

  • Showing of line numbers

  • Jump to referenced source file

  • Run code scratches(* only Java supported so far and need disable the Reader Mode)

Local Storage

Notes is the offline-first application, it is designed to keep your data safe, and nothing will be sent to the internet when you using SQLite, you can backup and copy the single notes.db file use any 3rd-party file-based sync services or with a USB stick.

Sync with Evernote

This mode all your code notes are store and sync with Evernote(internet connection required). Don't forget to click the "Refresh" button in the Evernote tool window when you edit the content in a Evernote Application.

Supports view web pages clipped with Evernote web clipper and picture data attached to your notes without ever having to leave your IDE.

You can ignore pictures to speed up your notes display speed. The Evernote integration is still in development, any suggestion or bug report is welcome!


A definition list or a glossary:


The Notes plugin for JetBrains IDEs.


This is the database engine used to store Notes data.

via a plugin Depends on third-party plugin

limited support Limited support

available Available

Last modified: 24 April 2024