IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help

Testing FAQ

This page lists a number of common questions/issues and techniques useful for testing plugins.

Useful Classes



"No Tests Found" targeting 2021.3+

Please see notes.

How to avoid flaky tests?

Always call super.tearDown() inside finally {..} block of your test class to avoid leaks and side effects from previously run (failed) tests:

void tearDown() { try { // test specific tear down calls } catch (Exception e) { addSuppressedException(e); } finally { super.tearDown(); } }

Avoid OS-specific assumptions (e.g., filesystem case-sensitivity, hardcoded separator instead of, default encoding, line endings).

Use ordered collections or UsefulTestCase.assertUnorderedCollection().

Code deferring execution (e.g., via Application.invokeLater()) might not run during test execution (and possibly fails in production, too). Use Application.invokeLater(runnable, myProject.getDisposed()).

How to avoid test failure when using resources?

In some situations, added or changed files (e.g. XML DTDs provided by a plugin) are not refreshed in Virtual File System. In such cases, simply delete test-system/caches in your sandbox directory and try again.

How to enable DEBUG/TRACE logging?

Provide JVM system properties (Gradle: via systemProperty for test task) idea.log.debug.categories or idea.log.trace.categories, respectively. Multiple categories can be set using a comma separated value list.

How to get separate logs for failing tests?

Set system property idea.split.test.logs to true to generate separate test log files in splitTestLogs subdirectory for failing tests (WARN/ERROR level messages) (2021.3).


How to mark test-only elements in production code?

Annotate with org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly, usages will be highlighted via inspection JVM languages | Test-only usage in production code.

How to run tests for all files in a directory?

Use FileBasedTestCaseHelper, please see its javadoc for instructions.

How to modify setup on a per-test basis?

Use UsefulTestCase.getTestName() or create your own annotation(s) which can be checked via UsefulTestCase.annotatedWith().

How to run a performance test?

Use PlatformTestUtil.startPerformanceTest() to assert machine-adjusted metrics.

How to dispatch pending UI events?

Use PlatformTestUtil.dispatchAllInvocationEventsInIdeEventQueue().

How to disable stderr logging?

Use DefaultLogger.disableStderrDumping() passing getTestRootDisposable().

How to register a resource (DTD, XSD) temporarily?

Use ExternalResourceManagerExImpl.registerResourceTemporarily() passing getTestRootDisposable().

How to replace component/service in tests?

Provide dedicated test implementation via testServiceImplementation in service declaration, or use ServiceContainerUtil.

How to replace extension points in tests?

Use ExtensionTestUtil.

How to wait for a specified amount of time?

If possible, use How to wait for condition with timeout? approach. Otherwise, call com.intellij.util.TimeoutUtil.sleep().

How to wait for condition with timeout?

Use WaitFor.

How to test a JVM language?

Plugins supporting a JVM language may require JDK and language standard library to be set up in a test project, so that classes like java.lang.String can be correctly resolved during tests. Tests extending LightJavaCodeInsightFixtureTestCase use one of the mock JDKs distributed with the IntelliJ Community project sources (notice java/mockJDK-$JAVA_VERSION$ directories). These JAR files are not available in plugin project dependencies, so the IntelliJ Community sources must be checked out to the machine running the tests, and sources' location must be provided to the test framework. It's done by setting the idea.home.path system property to the absolute path of the checked-out sources in the test task configuration:

test { systemProperty("idea.home.path", "/path/to/intellij-community-sources") }
test { systemProperty "idea.home.path", "/path/to/intellij-community-sources" }

The default JDK version used by the test framework depends on the target platform version and is the latest supported version. The easiest way to change the JDK version to a custom one is by overriding LightJavaCodeInsightFixtureTestCase.getProjectDescriptor() and using one of the predefined project descriptors in LightJavaCodeInsightFixtureTestCase. If a project descriptor requires more customizations, its getSdk() method can use one of the IdeaTestUtil.getMockJdk*() methods.

Sometimes, testing a JVM language requires adding standard or other libraries to a test project. If a required library is available in the Maven repository, use MavenDependencyUtil, e.g.:

MavenDependencyUtil.addFromMaven(model, "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.6.10");

For light tests, use convenience method DefaultLightProjectDescriptor.withRepositoryLibrary() and JavaModuleFixtureBuilder.addMavenLibrary() for heavy tests.

If a required library is an unpublished JAR file, use PsiTestUtil.addLibrary() or addProjectLibrary() method and the JAR file path, e.g.:

PsiTestUtil.addLibrary(model, "internal-library", getTestDataPath(), "internal-library-2.0.jar");
Last modified: 29 九月 2022