IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help

6. Rename Test

Define Input Test Data

Create the RenameTestData.simple properties file in the testData directory.

Create the file in the testData directory. This file contains one Simple Language reference embedded in Java, with the caret position placed just after a Simple Language key.

Create Output Test Data

Create the RenameTestDataAfter.simple file in the testData directory. This file contains the expected outcome of the test. Note the website = in RenameTestData.simple should be renamed to websiteUrl = by the test.

Define a Test Method

Add the testRename() method to the SimpleCodeInsightTest class previously defined.

  • Again, this method configures the test fixture by using the test files.

  • The fixture then renames the Simple Language element at the caret in

  • It then compares the input and output files, ignoring whitespace.

Run the Test

Run the test and make sure it's green.

Last modified: 29 九月 2022