3. Grammar and Parser
In order for the IntelliJ Platform to parse a Simple Language file, tokens and elements must be defined based on IElementType
. The Simple Language grammar must also be defined to generate a parser.
Define a Token Type
Create SimpleTokenType
in the org.intellij.sdk.language.psi
package by subclassing IElementType
Define an Element Type
Create the SimpleElementType
in the org.intellij.sdk.language.psi
package by subclassing IElementType
Define the Grammar
Define a grammar for the Simple Language in the org/intellij/sdk/language/Simple.bnf file.
Please see Grammar-Kit documentation for more details on BNF syntax.
The grammar defines the flexibility of the support for a language. The above grammar specifies that a property may have or may not have a key and value. This flexibility allows the IntelliJ Platform to recognize incorrectly defined properties and provide corresponding code analysis and quick-fixes.
Note that the SimpleTypes
class in the elementTypeHolderClass
attribute above specifies the name of a class that gets generated from the grammar in the scope of the Generate Parser Code action (see Generate a Parser); it doesn't exist at this point.
Generate a Parser
Now that the grammar is defined, generate a parser with PSI classes via Generate Parser Code from the context menu on the Simple.bnf file. This step generates a parser and PSI elements in the /src/main/gen folder of the project.
Add Generated Sources Root
To include the sources generated into /src/main/gen, the project's sourceSets
must be expanded by inserting the following line in the project's Gradle build script:
Reload the Gradle project for changes to take effect and build the project.