IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK Help

Notable Changes in IntelliJ Platform and Plugins API 2022.*

Early Access Program (EAP) releases of upcoming versions are available here. K


IntelliJ Platform 2022.3

Specify language for intention

Specify <language> in com.intellij.intentionAction EP registration to avoid instantiating language-specific intentions in non-relevant places.


IntelliJ Platform 2022.2


IntelliJ Platform 2022.1

New Project Wizard

The New Project wizard has been refreshed and some base ModuleBuilder classes return false from the isAvailable() method. If your module builder extends a base class and is hidden in the 2022.1 wizard, override the method to return true.

External System Test Framework

Available as com.jetbrains.intellij.platform:external-system-test-framework from IntelliJ Platform Artifacts Repositories, see Testing.

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1

Unbundled plugins

Several plugins (Grails, Jakarta EE: Batch Applications, Jakarta EE: Server Faces (JSF), Jakarta EE: Web Services (JAX-WS), Jetty, Smali Support, Spring Batch, Spring Integration Patterns, Spring Web Services, WebLogic, WebSphere) have been unbundled. The IDE will suggest installation if the project contains related framework dependency. If your plugin depends on them, users will need to install them from the JetBrains Marketplace.

Maven Plugin 2022.1

Published Maven Test Framework

Available as com.jetbrains.intellij.maven:maven-test-framework from IntelliJ Platform Artifacts Repositories.

Last modified: 29 九月 2022