
Incompatible Changes in IntelliJ Platform and Plugins API 2017.*

Changes in IntelliJ Platform 2017.3

com.intellij.internal.statistic.AbstractApplicationUsagesCollector class removed
This class isn’t supposed to be used in regular plugins. Override com.intellij.internal.statistic.AbstractProjectsUsagesCollector instead if you’re developing an IDE with its own statistics services.
com.intellij.internal.statistic.UsagesCollector.doPersistProjectUsages method removed
This method isn’t supposed to be used in regular plugins. There is no need to call this method anymore.
org.apache.sanselan package removed
Use classes from org.apache.commons.imaging instead.
com.intellij.psi.MultiplePsiFilesPerDocumentFileViewProvider.getLanguages abstract method added
Implementation of this class are supposed to have several languages so you need to implement this method explicitly and return them all.
org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.configuration.KotlinProjectConfigurator.changeCoroutineConfiguration abstract method added
You need to implement this method and add the logic for updating the configuration in your build system.
org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.configuration.KotlinProjectConfigurator.updateLanguageVersion abstract method added
You need to implement this method and add the logic for updating the configuration in your build system.
org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.configuration.KotlinProjectConfigurator.addLibraryDependency abstract method added
You need to implement this method and add the logic for updating the configuration in your build system.

Changes in DataGrip and Database Tools plugin 2017.3

com.intellij.database.dataSource.DataSourceManager class removed
Use com.intellij.database.psi.DbPsiFacade instead.
com.intellij.database.dataSource.DataSourceManagerEx class removed
Use com.intellij.database.psi.DbPsiFacade instead.
com.intellij.database.dataSource.DataSource class removed
Use com.intellij.database.psi.DbDataSource and com.intellij.database.model.DatabaseSystem instead.
com.intellij.database.psi.DbDataSource.getModel method return type changed from DbElement-based model to DasObject-based model
Use com.intellij.database.psi.DbPsiFacade.findElement to get the corresponding com.intellij.database.psi.DbElement wrapper when needed.
com.intellij.database.view.DatabaseView.getTreeBuilder method removed
Use LangDataKeys.PSI_ELEMENT_ARRAY.get(event) to get Database view selection.

Changes in PhpStorm and PHP plugin 2017.3

com.jetbrains.php.lang.psi.elements.Function.getReturnType() method return type changed from PsiElement to PhpReturnType
Before method had been returning a com.jetbrains.php.lang.psi.elements.ClassReference. Now method returns com.jetbrains.php.lang.psi.elements.PhpReturnType. Method ReturnType.getClassReference() can be used if you need just a ClassReference. If you need to get the PhpType, use com.jetbrains.php.lang.psi.elements.Function.getReturnType.getType() method instead.
Last modified: 13 March 2019